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Somaturgy Header
One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Helter & Skelter's Bubblegum Boogiedown Showtunes Show Episode 1: GOYA

2 weekends of filming (largely because I am busy and prone to disorganization during the week, and have only REALLY late nights to use to film anything)... 10 hours of editing... 20 minutes of finished film...

This... is episode 1.

I do apologize for the abysmal sound quality that persists for most of the first 2/3 of my bits in the boiler room. I had no idea the camera mic was picking up that weird background noise (which I couldn't even hear), and I couldn't speak louder than I was because literally about 15 feet to my right, albeit on the other side of a wall, was a sleeping 3-year-old.

...yeah, there are a number of technical problems with this video. I do see a lot of them and consider them learning experiences which I will probably have figured out how to fix by the next episode. But hey, if you want to point out what I did wrong, please do. I don't see EVERYTHING. ;)

Coming soon:
~Episode 2... subject undetermined as of yet
~An interview with Helter and Skelter, conducted by her loveliness Mouse La Jabraille
~Skelter Goes Grocery Shopping (if any of this footage turns out to be usable, I haven't had a chance to even look yet)

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