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One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TGWTG Year Three Tribute Video & My Hotel Room Is Haunted By The Ghost Of Disco

There is a Facebook group dedicated to the promotion of the TGWTG 3rd year anniversary movie, whose subject is still a mystery, when it is released. While we all wait for the release of a trailer or a hint or anything we can get Tweeting about, an idea was devised to organize a side project -- a compilation of videos made by fans to express what their connection with the site has meant to them and thank the producers or whatever they wanted to say to them.

I knew from the moment that plan was proposed that I wanted to be part of it. But before I could even begin formulating even a vague concept of what I wanted to do or say for my contribution, a friend of mine brought it up and told me that although she wanted to contribute, the things she wanted to say were not things she was comfortable saying on camera to a potentially very large audience of mostly strangers. I told her that if she wrote down what she wanted to say, I would happily be her on-screen "voice" and record it for her. And that is exactly what I did.

So here is my contribution to the Year 3 fan video. The first part (a little more than half) is me speaking for my friend. The second part is my personal contribution.

Now, while I was trying to find a place to set up my camera and do this so the background wasn't COMPLETELY obviously just a hotel room somewhere, I noticed very quickly that my camera was behaving.... very, very oddly. The result was a lot of outtakes and tests which I have compiled into a second video.

Until further notice, the only explanation I have for what happened here is that my hotel room is haunted by the ghost of disco.

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