Somaturgy Header

Somaturgy Header
One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day by day...

I went afield for my last report just about a day or two after the cold I'd had the previous week seemed to have backed off. This turned out to have been a mistake... for some reason... I doubt I could have exactly prevented this, but the day after I got BACK from that venture, I was feeling under the weather again. And by the next day... yeah -- voice more gone than that cold apparently was. It's been back with an annoying vengeance, preventing me from doing any new filming.

But since I couldn't work on my science kit reviews, or anything else involving me in front of a camera, I decided I could STILL be productive, and I poked a buddy of mine to inform him that he had been recruited for my project of madness and should poke around in his social circle to see if anyone else was interested. I'll probably hear back from him tomorrow.

And in the meantime, I did do a little bit of minor character development and brainstorming for the science kits reviews, and Mouse and I went to the toy store and bought another kit to review, and I thought that was all I could do for the time being until about half an hour ago.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and creativity is a necessity for me. So I was thinking about what ELSE I could do on videos just in general, not only funny stuff, and it occurred to me to do readings of poems I like. Not my own poems (yet), but poems I feel are worth knowing about.

Wouldn't you know it, the last poem I posted to my personal journal as being worth remembering is a poem that is kind of a dialogue, each verse separated by another narrator asking questions. And I happen to have my best friend right here to read those lines aloud while I read the verses in between in my gender-neutral Scarecrow voice, which I think will be very effective.

And even better... well, she's pretty hot, and this poem happens to be a love poem that describes a woman's body like a roadmap. Fortunately, my BFF here happens to be the accommodating type and allowed me to just do a really quick shoot of her lying on this black leather couch in the basement wearing nothing but her panties and bra and my fedora obscuring her face, so I could shoot a few slow panning shots of the camera just travelling along her body. I HOPE I will be able to use these shots under my voice track at the relevant point in the poem, to artistic effect.

My voice has come back enough that I can do the Somaturge's voice and I think once I get a couple of lamps set up down here tomorrow, it shouldn't take longer than like half an hour for us to film this with the both of us speaking, and then won't take much longer to edit it since it'll be very straightforward. I could even go into iMovie right now and set up the title screens. Which... I think I will, since I have nothing better to do at the moment. If I'm feeling especially enterprising I MIGHT upload the shots I just did and play around with those in the editor too, just to see what kind of effects I can get from them and whether they're usable at all.

This will be a serious, ~artistic~ video, which I know a lot of amateur film makers get over with in their high school years. I never had that opportunity so I'm indulging that angle of my creative viewpoint here and now.

And just to underline again, in case anyone was still under any misconceptions about this, makin' videos is hard work. It's up to you to decide whether it's work you love enough to keep doing or not once you realize exactly what that means.

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