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One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Live On Set...

~The Spontaneous Journalist goes live on the set of Transformers 3 (if I can get away with it)
~New review series: SCIENCE KITS FOR KIDS -- the Somaturge will review science-in-a-box available to the children of the 80's, 90's, and today. Current progress: Two lab assistants recruited, first episode in the process of being scripted for filming hopefully sometime next week. Topic: Astounding Polymer Properties Observation Kit.

...Seriously, this was an amazing experience but it WAS pretty brutal for someone who is really NOT used to getting up early in the morning and spending 3 hours tromping over farmland. I kind of destroyed one of my legs scrambling over rocks wearing the wrong, wrong, WRONG shoes for such a venture. Oops?

It was still fantastic fun and I cannot thank the people who allowed me the opportunity enough. :D

Relevant to makin' videos aside from what it was like to actually FILM this:
I took about 45 minutes of footage overall, over the course of about 3 hours. It took me a little over 2 hours to edit it down to this point, which surprised me because I thought I had been working longer but apparently not.

As you can see, I've figured out how to pull a few more tricks with the editing software and gotten better at filming and editing myself.

Again I say this: makin' videos is not for pussies. No matter what it may look like we are on the internet. ;3

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