Somaturgy Header

Somaturgy Header
One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome and progress updates.

Greetings (no doubt long after this is posted) to anyone who has found me here.

I am Ven Gethenian, the Somaturge, and this is by blog space. Here will be posted mostly news and updates pertaining to the progress of the site, videos, content, etc.

As of now, I'm in the final editing stages of my first video. I'm not going to lie -- it's probably going to look a bit silly to anyone who knows arse-all about video-making and editing. But this is my first and I'll have done my best, given my total lack of any prior experience worth noting. All that's left is for me to try to record an audio track for the title screen and credits and see if this program will let me stick it in there in a way that isn't too jarringly abrupt and only puts the music over the text screens.

...jesus, I must sound like the newbiest newb that ever newbed.

Whatever. Anyway, I'm also in the process of rennovating a fantastic recording space. You see, once upon a time, allegedly during the 1970's, a previous owner of my native abode used the basement as a nightclub... allegedly, it catered to a more homosexual crowd. It hasn't been significantly rennovated since, apart from my sister's brief interest in sprucing the place up which ultimately resulted in little more than the removal of the ceiling tiles and half the blacklight-room in the back being painted (oh, the sex that must have gone on there...). So here I have this beautifully dated bar... I've just done some electrical tinkering and got the place lit up again. Now it needs only for me to reorganize the shelves that will be visible in frame for it to be a suitable backdrop for film-making. Lord knows I don't mind playing Martha Steward for the sake of my art -- there are more tedious chores I could be doing. Like editing. Good god, editing.

I'll be doing some test footage in a few minutes to see if I can find a good spot to lodge my camera and figure out how well it likes my lighting setup and all that stuff. My sister will be dragged into this project tomorrow, if we're not busy decorating the place for Halloween.

I'm hopeful that I'll have at least the intro video up by mid-week, if not a full review. That may be a bit ambitious but I've never been someone who tended to allow mere common sense to stop me for shooting for the moon. ;)

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