Somaturgy Header

Somaturgy Header
One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A real (impressive!) update!

Let;s hope that embedding code works.

Well, there's a video of me testing out my golem rig as the Somaturge using a hand-drawn puppet of the Nostalgia Critic.

Now I know it's been a while ( my definition...) since I last updated. SO! How long did it actually take me to set this up?

Drawing all components of the rig took... ehh... about 5 hours at the outside. A lot of them had to later be adjusted and have elements added to them after initial tests. And there are actually still more pieces of this puppet I haven't filmed or even finished, there are still a few expressions half-colored and not yet cut out. And the gun... that needs work.

Filming all of this? An hour and a half, I guess, and then another half hour or 45 minutes for editing. It's simple and short, I just had to go through the 6-8 takes I did of EVERY. SINGLE. MOVEMENT. and pick the best ones to put in the video. And then there was the time it took the switch the faces and hats to get like... 2 seconds of footage.

To me, this is worth it. Because this is AWESOME.

My next project will be trying to do an actual movie review. This may or may not be successful, since... if you hadn't noticed, I haven't yet figured out how to edit in clips from other shows or movies. But if I can figure it out, I want to do a full review of the movie Perfume, using zombie versions of two of the film's dead characters as hosts (the cat and MAYBE one of the women... I think the distilled cat would be funniest, though).

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