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Somaturgy Header
One more step takes you down the rabbit hole.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Making progress with... a SET!

I know, I know... you don't technically need a set to be a YouTube video star. You don't even need one to be a SUCCESSFUL YouTube video star. Or a successful other-video-hosting-option video star. You don't need a set to be entertaining, interesting, or popular.

But in my opinion, it helps. At least... all the video folks I know of who top my list of favourites tend to do their filming in a consistent, purposefully-designed setting. Even if that setting is just a blank wall. I think a blank wall is always going to look better than just.... whatever random shit you happen to have stacked around your room at the time.

I am fortunate enough to have been raised in a house with a PERFECT potential set -- a bar in the basement. No one really uses the basement or comes down here except to do the laundry. I am free to claim this space and use it as my own. It has a wonderful sort of MOOD to it, which comes largely from the fact that nobody's really done anything to it except dust it every 10 years or so since it was constructed in the 1970's. Thus, without my doing anything AT ALL to it, it already has a very otherworldly feel to it, like a place that's been estranged from the normal procession of time and evolution of aesthetic taste. It's just downright cool that way.

All we've ever used the bar area for is storage, and not even for very MUCH storage. There's a lot of shelf space back here for relatively little in the way of things that need to stay here. So it'll take me a matter of maybe 10 or 15 minutes to shift all the stored things that need to stay here for the sake of maintaining everyone's sanity into shelf space that isn't going to be visible to the camera. Doing so frees up shelf and counter space I can now use to decorate and make this time-portal to 1972 even more suited to my themes and character by turning it into a sciencey anachronism stew. How? Well, mostly by relocating selected books and my electronics kits and power tools down here and arranging them to represent the Somaturge's tools of the trade, with the added bonus that they really ARE my own personal tools of the trade and having them all down here will make this a good space for me to set up my laptop and do some scripting or research with all my reference books within easy reach and out of the way of high-traffic areas of the house.

So that's tonight's project, which I've started on already by clearing the visible shelves and will now get down to the task of turning the 1970's bar into the Somaturge's lab.

I'd like to get some more filming done tonight but it's unlikely that I can, and besides I still have my preliminary basement tour footage to edit.

Tonight's projects... I must be both Martha Stewart and Steven Spielberg. Wish me luck...

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